Protecting the environment is critical to our national health; and we play our part!

Our Photo Voltaic Power System
As of December of 2005, with a matching grant from the Connecticut Clean Energy Fund, we invested over $75,000 in a 16 KW Solar Voltaic system. The system reduces the production of green house gases and airborne particulates that are known to aggravate asthma in our children. You can do this too! 

We Use BioDiesel Fuel
As of September 2006, we switched to biodiesel fuel. Biodiesel is an easy-to-implement solution that helps reduce tailpipe and CO2 emissions associated with global warming, it is a clean, renewable, non-toxic and biodegradeable fuel that runs in unmodified diesel engines. It integrates seamlessly with existing fuel infrastructures without the need to purchase new vehicles or construct new facilities. Because biodiesel is produced from feedstocks such as virgin soybean oil, it is 100% organic and non-toxic to people, animals or plants. It contains no aromatics or sulfur, has a high Cetane number and is a superior lubricant.  Biodiesel also cuts exhaust emissions and helps minimize the smoke, odor, CO2, toxins, hydrocarbons, soot and particulates that are associated with petroleum-based diesel exhaust.  Every gallon of biodiesel consumed displaces a gallon of imported oil and strengthens the U.S. economy. You can do it too!

We are an EPA Green Power Partner
In 2006 we began purchasing 100% of our electricity from renewable sources in the form of direct green power purchase and tradable renewable energy certificates (green tags).  You can do it too! Click here to visit the EPA Greenpower website.

We are Stewards of Long Island Sound In July of 2002, Barret Outdoor Communications Inc. began sponsoring a Website and a series of billboards with the copy "What Goes on the Ground Goes in the Sound".  You can do it too!

Solar Power Project
We are volunteers in the struggle to reverse Global Warming. As major users of electricity, we are committed to minimizing our power consumption while providing the highest quality of advertising for our customers. For this reason, Barrett Outdoor Communications Inc. teamed up with the Connecticut Clean Energy fund and installed a 16.2  kiloWatt Photo Voltaic system on the roof of our West Haven Headquarters to generate electricity from the sun.

This project is our first major step toward our goal of reducing our environmental footprint to a mere trace in the sand.  It is our hope that other companies will join us and do their share to protect the environment and pass a clean planet on to our children and future generations.

Hon. John Picard, Mayor of West Haven; Rep. Richard Roy (119th district), Co-chair, Connecticut General Assembly, Environment Committee and Rep. Steve Fontana (87th district), Co-chair, Connecticut General Assembly, Energy and Technology Committee member were on hand to lend their support to Barrett Outdoor Communications for this very special solar project. Also attending the unveiling ceremony were Lise Dondy, Chief Operating Officer, Connecticut Clean Energy Fund/Vice President, Connecticut Innovations and Alex Fox, Operations Manager, Sunlight Solar Energy, Inc.

"Connecticut today stands at the leading edge of a movement critical to America's economy and way of life," said Lise Dondy, chief operating officer, Connecticut Clean Energy Fund. "Harnessing the power of the sun, exemplified by Barrett's installation of a solar energy system is one step towards energy independence."

For more information, visit The Connecticut Clean Energy Fund

You may also visit our Vendor at: Sunlight Solar Energy, Inc